Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Creeping Phlox

Cam took us to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, which were lovely, if not smaller than I expected.  My favorites were the orchid and edible gardens.
 Something edible, which I photographed for it's bright red stem.  I can't remember the name now.
This is a Ladyslipper, named for it's shoe-like shape.  There were several varieties in the orchid gardens.
This statue was so strange that I had to take a picture of it.  The poor frogs are dangling helplessly from that naked child's pudgy hands!
I rushed up to this statue and said "This is St. Francis of Assisi!" 
I looked down at his label and I was RIGHT.  
Thank you, Art History, I know that St. Frances is often depicted with birds. 
One of my favorite flowers, snapdragons, which you can tug open to reveal a forked tongue in its maw.
Cone Flowers, another one of my favorites.  My Dad often plants these.
Cam gave this plant the award for silliest name, saying that it sounded like it came straight out of a Dr. Seuss book.  
"The Creeping Phlox flooded the furniture with filmy flumadiddle."
My favorite decor, which I swore I could have snatched and taken home if Cam had just walked ahead of me and been very distracting! 


  1. That very St Frances was on our Christmas cards last year!

  2. hehe. Figures, ladies of good taste often have the same ideas...


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