Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mr. Squid's Handmade Moment

This video is by my latest artist icon, Hine Mizushima, who works with felt and stop motion, a combo I adore.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Traveler's Diary: Choosing to Love

I am the peer assistant for a freshman seminar taught by my favorite professor.  
So far I have enjoyed getting to know and assisting the girls in my class.  
The professor, Mary Beth and I met up yesterday to chat about an activity we’d be demonstrating for our girls.  
Based on their assigned reader, Matched, we each brought an “artifact” to show to the class--the sole item we would keep from our heritage if we were living in the dystopian society of the novel.  Mary Beth brought a gorgeous crazy quilt that belonged to her great grandmother, and I brought my dad’s traveler’s diary, barely twenty years old.  
I selected the diary because within its contents are my father’s feelings and inner dialogue as he is courting my mother.  
Within this special book are my origins.  
The reason I love it so much is, as I have always said, that my parents are the ones who taught me how to love.  
How to choose to love.  
Within the pages I see my father’s choice not only to love my mother, though time, geographic distance, class, religion and a variety of other factors separated them, but his choice to love me, too.  
They have taught me to be a friend, they have taught me how to love Cam.  
I have found in life that love often begins with a the uncontrollable flail of an infant’s arm...but once we have caught hold of that feeling we may begin to exercise flex it and train it and make our love a strong, robust and usable thing, far less fragile than the random flailing of a newborn. 
We choose to love, and the choice makes our love grow stronger.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Art Buttons

I've made so many Zazzle purchases lately that I was given 5 free zazzle bucks, so I decided to splurge and get myself buttons with some of my favorite artwork on them:  
One Arthur Rackham print about Little Red Riding Hood and two different japanese prints.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Publix...thank you for filling my bucket

Well, the first day of my junior year of college has come and nearly gone...the last light of day is waining, and I'm taking a few quiet moments to collect myself and fill my bucket.
"Filling your bucket" is a phrase that has been used frequently by the alpha gam household of late.  
On our leadership retreat for campus leaders, the counselor walked around offering lollipops from a bucket.
After we all happily accepted, she asked how many of us had taken candy.
Then she asked, "How many of you put something back into my bucket?"
After cricket noises, she went on to explain that we all have buckets of candy, the contents of which we are giving to people every day--and if we don't find out what things fill our bucket, then we will go empty.  
We then had to write down things that we would do intentionally to fill our buckets.
My list includes:
Quiet time and prayer every morning
Giving way to much business to Inman Perk coffee
Taking time to visit Cam and visit the guys
Working out
Family time
Sisterhood time
Thrift Shopping

The opening of this year is far more and less stressful than the last.  
This year I am Vice President Recruitment and should be up to my eyeballs in panic, but since I've been filling my bucket, I have more energy and control and have had far fewer weepy hours.

To fill my bucket today, I went to Publix and picked out a snack to perk me up throughout the week (Publix dried fruits, granola and espresso beans), went to Step Class, and am now indulging a few minutes to reflect and blog.

I hope this finds you well.

When words fail me...

 My friend Andy dropped images of this little conceptual beauty in my inbox today! 
This piece, called the Chromatic Typewriter by Tyree Callahan won runner up at the 2012 West Prize competition.  
Isn't it gorgeous?

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Little Home

All moved into dear Brenau as of last week, and I've put on the final touches to make my room my little home.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sixth Anniversary Picnic

I've been bursting to spill about our anniversary plans, but I knew that pictures speak far louder than words and decided to wait until we finally went out for our picnic.
We munched happily in Piedmont park, while watching a man train his dogs.  
 Isn't it a beautiful set?
This year we decided that instead of getting each other gifts we would buy something together that we thought we'd really use.
We decorated these mason jars with paint pens--the great thing about these guys is that they seal in whatever you don't want to spill out into the basket!
We decided on a simple dinner, taking a leaf out of the Italian cookbook, we had gli affettati misti (assorted sliced meats) and cheeses.
Derwicious sourdough!
I wore Cam's favorite blue dress.
We finished with fresh, light and scrumptious chocolate dipped strawberries.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Fox and the Bunny: Here's to 6 Years

Happy Anniversary, my love.  
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