Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Publix...thank you for filling my bucket

Well, the first day of my junior year of college has come and nearly gone...the last light of day is waining, and I'm taking a few quiet moments to collect myself and fill my bucket.
"Filling your bucket" is a phrase that has been used frequently by the alpha gam household of late.  
On our leadership retreat for campus leaders, the counselor walked around offering lollipops from a bucket.
After we all happily accepted, she asked how many of us had taken candy.
Then she asked, "How many of you put something back into my bucket?"
After cricket noises, she went on to explain that we all have buckets of candy, the contents of which we are giving to people every day--and if we don't find out what things fill our bucket, then we will go empty.  
We then had to write down things that we would do intentionally to fill our buckets.
My list includes:
Quiet time and prayer every morning
Giving way to much business to Inman Perk coffee
Taking time to visit Cam and visit the guys
Working out
Family time
Sisterhood time
Thrift Shopping

The opening of this year is far more and less stressful than the last.  
This year I am Vice President Recruitment and should be up to my eyeballs in panic, but since I've been filling my bucket, I have more energy and control and have had far fewer weepy hours.

To fill my bucket today, I went to Publix and picked out a snack to perk me up throughout the week (Publix dried fruits, granola and espresso beans), went to Step Class, and am now indulging a few minutes to reflect and blog.

I hope this finds you well.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting project! I should do the same...I need a little organization in my life as well. Definitely something I'll be thinking of this evening.
    Beautiful photo as well! :)

    Toodles for now,


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